Data block corruption cleared with alter system flush buffer_cache

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2 Responses to “Data block corruption cleared with alter system flush buffer_cache”

  1. Lutz Hartmann Says:

    Hi Anrew,
    it is always a good idea to check proactively for corrupt block (both physical & logical corruption) with RMAN.
    Pls see my post about it:


  2. Lutz Hartmann Says:

    Hi Andrew,
    this is very interesting. I had a similar efect at a customer’s site recently with 10gR2 where I encountered an object that “didi not exist any more”.
    It was possible to describe it but a SELECT COUNT(*) returned an ORA-600.
    There were no extents in DBA_EXTENTS and it was not possible to DROP it: also ORA-600.

    Since my customer did not use RMAN we ended up with a full export except this one object and full import into a new DB.
    Obviousely the Data Dictionary was corrupted.

    I guess it’s a BUG!
    Or is it a feature?

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